ilona the pest

insecurity + narcissism = awesome!

Monday, January 22, 2007

dreams come true

i've been having a bit of a rough week. i've been kind of depressed, and i didn't really do anything all weekend - just watched a lot of tivo and slept a lot. i haven't even been able to get off my butt to write here. (one possible theory: with the round-the-clock birth control pill that i've been taking for about three months straight, my body might be telling me it's time to take a break and have my period. we'll see if it works & i feel more normal after that.)

but the good news is, i just found out that someone loves me enough to make my fondest dream come true. can you guess? yes, yes, it's true...


i feel thoroughly cheered. thank you, kind sir. you sure know how to take care of a lady, even from across the country.


  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger wt said…

    I hope it was your bf and not some sketchy guy trying to get into your bacon, I mean pants.

  • At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So this dude bought the bacon for you?

  • At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pud is a lucky man to be able to show you such kindness. You deserve it ya know!

  • At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nothing says "love" like bacon. i think that monthly bacon is preferable to thee ol' "monthly visitor" anyway, right? that woman-voodoo is pretty scary... -acc

  • At 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ever notice that feminists/extremely liberal woman are the least happy?

  • At 8:13 AM, Blogger ilona said…

    Ever notice that feminists/extremely liberal woman are the least happy?

    no, i haven't noticed that, but in my case i would agree that those character traits could be related. i seem to be hard-wired to find fault with everything, which has the benefit of making me very motivated & effective at working to improve the problems i see, whether in the world at large, at work, or in organizations in which i'm involved.

    but that predilection for negativity also means that i rarely feel genuinely satisfied with anything or anyone, which can sometimes lead to feeling sort of bleak and depressed about my life.

    i doubt that being liberal vs. conservative makes a difference, though. if i were a republican, i'm sure i'd just be pissed off about the liberals all the time.

    i have a feeling that someday i will become a buddhist and that will help a lot.

  • At 4:04 PM, Blogger wt said…

    So true. Feminists are unfailingly miserable. Or maybe it's just because they just haven't met the right man yet.

  • At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Youve got such a bleak outlook because your a lawyer probably.

    Lawyers dont change the world they make it worse.

    Dont you want to do something where you actually change and have an affect on peoples lives?

  • At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You also might just be like most women these days, with unrealistically high expectations for everything. Typically you want the perfect job, the perfect home, the perfect wedding, the perfect man (or woman, whatever floats your boat), but don't seem to be aware that nothing or nobody is perfect. Someone who is bhuddist told me the concepts of bhuddism, and much of it is freedom from want, somewhat even freeing one from lust. Then again, he basically tried to molest a woman that he knew had just been with me, so so much for freedom from want...

    Just seems that the most down to earth people are happiest. Snobby people are not down to earth, have insane espectations, and pretty much are all miserable but put on their facade of happiness.

    Europeans are less materialistic in general and they seem pretty damn happy, but maybe because their countries are just so much cooler.


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