ilona the pest

insecurity + narcissism = awesome!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

17 hours

okay, now i am really, undeniably, a lawyer. yesterday i was in the office for SEVENTEEN HOURS (and billed fifteen of 'em).

i have to confess, it was kind of fun. it's nice to feel like you're part of something exciting and urgent and making an important contribution (even if it's just cite-checking a brief) (but you know how passionate i can be about proofreading). my normal bedtime is 11:00 sharp, but i never even really got tired. when i finally stumbled home around 3:30 a.m., my brain was still stuck in that alert, urgent, working mode, so i wasn't able to fall asleep for another hour or so.

but now i'm feeling very, very tired, to make up for it.


  • At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You’re doing some kind of low-paying, progressive, public-interest law, and you logged fifteen billable hours in one day?

    I really admire your integrity and dedication.

    I’ll bet most of your classmates are just whores who went for the money.

  • At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you were a REAL lawyer you'd have worked 17 hours and billed 23 of 'em ;-)


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