ilona the pest

insecurity + narcissism = awesome!

Friday, September 22, 2006

fight club

i punched a girl in the face tonight. she asked me to -- i swear! -- so it wasn't assault, or battery, or anything else illegal. just weird.

we were standing on a sidewalk with quite a few people around, and many of them stared and looked aghast afterwards. (understandably.) i was a little embarassed, but kind of defensive too. it's like fight club! haven't they seen the movie?

it was pretty fun, punching someone in the face. i don't think i'd ever done it before. it seems like a good experience to have, for practice, just in case you ever need to punch someone for real.


  • At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't know about New York, but I think that in some jurisdictions consent is not a defense to a criminal assault and battery.

    Punching somebody in the face probably isn't a good idea anyway, for a number of reasons.

  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger ilona said…

    1) you can't consent to something like murder, or strict liability crimes like statutory rape, but i think the basic definition of assault/battery is that it's an *unwanted* touching. so, by definition, this wasn't that. sure, possibly not a good idea anyway. but it's fun to live dangerously sometimes.

    2) she was a friend of a friend, who i just met that night. she was saying to my friend, "man, i WISH i could convince someone to punch me in the face," and i was like, "really? i'd be happy to." she might have been drunk - i'm not very good at telling when people are drunk vs. when that's just their personality. i tried to hit her as hard as i could, but i'm not very strong, so i don't even think it will leave a visible bruise. it just made her cheek sort of pink.


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