ilona the pest

insecurity + narcissism = awesome!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

lethargic sunday

all weekend i've been putting off doing work and doing my taxes. i am a lazy bastard, especially when in the darkest pits of depression the likes of which i have never before experienced.

i just watched Cast Away, the three-hour tom hanks monologue, on TNT, on tivo. i recorded it sometime yesterday knowing that i would definitely want to watch it today instead of working. i'm so prescient.

on friday (day off from work for good friday) i decided to take up smoking, and smoked almost an entire pack of camel lights. a personal record! but i don't think it's sticking. i've been trying half-heartedly for 12 years or so, but i just can't seem to get addicted. oh well.


  • At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well, i'm glad it's not sticking. stop trying to get hooked on cigs, dummy!

    and watching a tom hanks movie?! what the hell are you thinking, lady?!

  • At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ipest - please don't start smoking. you have very nice skin and good teeth.

    and there are so many other bad habits out there. perhaps itunes?

  • At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Smoking is bad for your health.
    Your website is not Ilona the Pestilent.
    Scrabble tends to cheer folks up.
    K tells me you're out, not in.

  • At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Smoking makes women look very sexy and sophisticated and gives them that Lauren Bacall sultry voice.


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